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About the CCOGM & Our Beliefs


  • First, and most importantly, we are a group of people trying to follow the way of Jesus together.

  • We are a global family of 7,300 churches with 22 of those congregations here in western Canada.

  • Our ministry centre in central Alberta is Deer Valley Meadows.


  • The Church of God movement began with a desire for Christians to come together in unity as one church. The name "Church of God" was selected because of its common use in the Bible about the church. It started in the USA in the 1880's and has since spread around the world. Church of God groups around the world associate with one another for the common purposes of mission, theological dialogue, and ecumenical initiatives.

  • Our regional team provides leadership both organizationally and spiritual as they support the local churches. We strive to give individual churches the freedom to reach their unique settings, trusting in their ability to hear from God and act accordingly.

  • Our beginnings come from the Holiness Movement (key words to search on Wikipedia: Wesleyan, Arminian, Anabaptist, Free-church, Protestant). We don't hold a formal membership (though many congregations create annual lists of voters for business purposes). We seek what Christians have in common and to build on those things rather than emphasizing differences. We believe strongly in the work of God's Spirit in the church and in the lives of individuals to:

    • make us aware of our need for change and transformation

    • convince us that we are loved and accepted, forgiven of all wrongs

    • give us new life in Christ

    • help us to understand and apply the teachings of the Bible

    • make us more like Jesus in character

    • give us giftings and abilities for service



  • The basis for our beliefs comes from the Bible, and while any number of different interpretations can be drawn from scripture, we agree on some of the basics. For example, we believe:​

    • Trinitarian Theology. The doctrine of the Trinity means there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While there are three distinct persons, each person of the Trinity is fully God.

    • Sin and Salvation. Both original sin and our sin separated us from God. Jesus Christ lived a holy life, was crucified on the Cross, and rose from the dead so that we could receive salvation. Through the faithfulness and grace of Jesus, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to choose this gift.

    • Holiness. The Holy Spirit continues to transform us by renewing our minds, understandings, and convictions to align with the mind and heart of Jesus. We are equipped with gifts of the Spirit and empowered to resist the enemy’s temptation and to do the work and will of Father God for the mission of the Church.

    • Nature and Authority of the Bible. The Bible is the authoritative word of God and our rule of faith. This commitment impacts the way we study the Bible, preach, and how we live holy lives.

    • Imago Dei. We were created in the image of God. This unique relationship impacts how we worship and our relationship with all those created in God’s image. Every woman and man who has experienced salvation is gifted by the Holy Spirit and has a unique destiny.

    • The Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is reigning here and now, and as such, citizens of the Kingdom have the power to daily live victoriously in Christ. We have everything needed for every good work and for fulfilling the mission God gave us.

    • Unity. Unity is a means for revealing the nature of God, the transformed life in the Kingdom, and our deep commitment to the mission of reaching the lost. Unity is impossible without holiness, and holiness is evidenced by our unity

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Canadian Church of God- wht vertical_edi

780-672-0772    104 4909A 48 Street   Camrose Ab T4V 1L7   Canada

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